Trip and Excursions

Geographically, it is located in a very strategic position, among the most charming Sicilian tourist sites and towns, well worth of visiting such as the enchanting and marvellous town of Taormina, the stunning Alcancantara Gorges (beautiful gorges caved in the volcanic rock – throughout the centuries - by the river Alcantara); the highly interesting baroque town of Acireale famous not only for the baroque façades of its very numerous churches and ancient houses but also for its cakes, especially the almond ones; the Volcano Etna with its interesting Park and the very nice Piedmontese villages and towns; the town of St. Alfio with its millenary Chestnut tree famous for its enormous perimeter with its several trunks and nicknamed the Castagno dei Cento Cavalli, because according to the local historical tradition a famous queen, Giovanna D’Angiò with her hundred knights (and horses !) took shelter under the leafy branches of this Chestnut tree during a thunderstorm; the Riviera dei Ciclopi , with the town of Acicastello, - famous for its castle located on a lava cliff which falls sheer to the sea – and the fishing village of Acitrezza well known not only for the seven basalt rocks of the Cyclopes and Isola di Lachea - emerging from the sea – and that – according to a legend – have been thrown against Ulysses and his ships by the angry and blind giant Polyphemous, but also for having been the setting of the famous novel I Malavoglia by Giovanni Verga.

The members of the Camping La Zagara are able to organise trips and excursions with a wide choice of itineraries which will suit all requirements of holiday makers.

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